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About Us

When things get unexpected in life, it’s best to have a safety net that will help you overcome the financial hurdles thrown at you. Many people have experienced the burden of needing urgent funds to pull themselves out of a bad spot in life. But what can you do when in need of urgent money and when possessing a bad credit score? Here is where MaxLoan comes into play.

What is MaxLoan?

With years of activity and a list of over a hundred lenders, MaxLoan is your go-to solution for finding the best payday loans, installment loans, title loans, and even for bad credit borrowers. Having the opportunity to access a huge array of lenders translates into increasing your chances to get accepted. We pride ourselves on more than 80% success rates and strive to increase that number each year.

MaxLoan does not lend money and only functions as a middle-man between you and potential lenders. Working on a referral system, we cannot guarantee acceptance, but we can certainly guide you in the right direction and ensure maximum possibilities for you. The website only functions as advertising for potential brokers, and some terms might be regulated by state or local laws.

Why Should You Choose MaxLoan?

MaxLoan offers reputable services of fast emergency loans from some of the best lenders out there at competitive APRs. There are many ways in which you can proceed with a loan. We provide convenient borrowing methods for all pockets. Let’s take a look at all of the loan types we offer and more information about them.

Payday Loans

These are some of the most popular types of loans, thanks to their nature. They allow borrowers to access emergency funds in no time. Perfectly fit for those with bad credit scores, these loans extend to when you receive your next pay. They can help with either consolidating debt, paying the mortgage, medical emergencies, unforeseen costs, going through periods of unemployment, or even avoiding borrowing from family members or close friends. These have some of the highest acceptance rates but also APRs.

Installment Loans

When it comes to them, they are more traditional and consist of the borrower paying the debt over time through payments with a deadline. These can range from 2 payments to more intricate plans depending on your needs. Here, the APR will scale with the duration of the contract. These are also great for people with bad credit scores due to the fact that financial agencies will not review your credit score prior to your application. It’s worth knowing whether these can be secured or not, which means that you can use collateral, depending on the terms set by your lender. If you are looking to repay the debt faster, that’s also an option. If you have a couple of months left on your payment, you can choose to pay it all at once and reduce the duration of your debt. The best benefit from monthly installment plans is that you can also boost your credit score marginally by paying on time and finishing the financial responsibility. These also have a high acceptance rate and can be used for more expansive emergencies such as car or house repairments, medical expenses, holiday expenses, or unexpected financial events.

Title Loans

MaxLoan also offers Title Loans or Car Title Loans, as they are often called. Here, you can use a vehicle as collateral in order to generate more trust and have higher acceptance rates. When you are using your car as collateral, you can also expect higher cash limits and the opportunity for even better APRs and more installments. These are great for when you have a low credit score and are looking for emergency cash. All you would need to apply for this one would be to be over 18, have proof of regular income, have a bank account, and hold a car title under your name.

Stellar Content

Having proper knowledge is key when considering taking loans. This is why it’s important to have great insight. On our website, you can also find some of the best content about your options when it comes to taking loans. These articles are all curated by our team of talented individuals who have years of experience in the financial world and are offering some of the best information out there. You will be able to find everything from in-depth explanations of loan types to ways how to decide which one is more suitable for you.

Save Time and Money

It’s great knowing that with MaxLoan, the time it takes for you to get in possession of your money is very important to us. All of our online payday loans are processed online, which means that it’s now faster than ever to receive a response. This is due to the fact that we have a lot of lenders. Please note that it might still take a day or two for them to be fully processed. Security is a guarantee when it comes to online payments, thanks to the 256-bit encryption.

Payday Loans
This is a short-term loan you can borrow and repay when you get your next paycheck.
Title Loans
It’s the best way to get quick cash if you want to repay it in small installments.
Installment Loans
A title loan allows you to get cash by using your vehicle title as collateral.
Bad Credit Loans
Bad credit loans are available to people with bad credit who want cash quickly.